It's not only ,the matter of passing examinations but the fact is how you prepare yourself as a future specialist maximum potential in your dream ambitions.
My dear Friends all over the world!
It gives me great pleasure to invite you all to the oil and gas forum.As we University student of today and Scientist of tomorrow , we have an approval that our Ideas and Ideals will provide the joint planning and exchange of information in many fields including on the exploration, exploitation and Development of energy resources within the Community.
The primary objective of Baklon inc ,is to provide an opportunity for the Partner to jointly meet oil companies and update them on their petroleum potential, Research with a view of attracting and facilitating investment in petroleum exploration and development in Africa
The second objective is to increase the public awareness of the petroleum activity and Potential in Africa including facilitating abroad scholarship for young Student based on exploration of oil and gas.
Also the Baklon inc aims to mobilizing national institutions to update document based on petroleum Potential and make the private sector aware of the opportunities brought about by the petroleum activity and learn from the experience of others on matters pertaining to the development of the petroleum resources, safety and environment, community development in areas where there is petroleum operations and corporate outlook.
To cement that spirit the theme of the inc is “Together Unveiling the Untapped Oil and Gas Potential”. The African Region has demonstrated high potential for oil and gas resources and it is only through concerted efforts by various stake holders that successfully Petroleum Exploration ventures can be attained.
The main Outlook programmed of this page will be having technical presentations, constructive cements, and Posted link of information based on oil and Gas
Let me take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed materially and physically in the organization of this Group.
Young Generations appreciate the increased interest of the industry in the Petroleum potential of Africa. A successful of these Ideas will not only make it known locally, but it also will encourage many young generations to invest their study on oil and Gas field and eventually to have jointly Development of the region.
Karibu Sana!!!.....................mostly welcome
Mr. Chrispin Bakunda
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
Moscow –Russia.
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